About nicol

I’m highly experienced to assist you with your individual workout goals

nicol brescia 

I am an avid believer in the physiological and mental benefits of exercise at any age, for anybody and any body. I have been coaching personal training and small group classes for over 10 years and with that I bring the evolution of my knowledge and experience to every client I work with.  I provide my clients with sustainable and balanced training practices and programs that will help them reach their goals in their current decade and beyond. At whatever level they are, I want my clients to move better, feel confident, progress in their strength training, build a balanced body, strive to challenge themselves and keep crushing life by doing the things they want to do.

I love what I do and feel very fortunate to be able to work with a community of so many awesome individuals who are supportive, motivating, inspiring and sometimes let me talk them into doing crazy stuff like Spartan or Deka and likewise, I get talked into some crazy things in return. Personally, I have always found that exercise has balanced and strengthened me both physically and mentally. I practice what I preach and continue to evolve my own training to focus on strength, building & maintaining muscle and challenging myself with gradual load progressions and some type of event or new activity as my decades continue.


  • National Academy of Sports Medicine, Certified Personal Trainer

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine, Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine, Nutrition Specialist

  • USA Weightlifting Level 1 Coach

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach

  • DNS Level 1 & DNS for Weightlifting Level 1

  • Spartan Obstacle Course & DEKA Weekend Warrior